Anhydrous borax can endanger human health through swallowing, inhalation, and eye contact, and it is very irritating to the respiratory tract. Monomer boron
It is worth noting that anhydrous borax is not borax, and borax water is not an aqueous solution of anhydrous borax.
In medical use, it is Borax in Chinese medicine, a borate mineral of the borax group, and its properties are very different from Sodium Borate.
Boron oxide
Traditional Chinese medicine borax has the effects of clearing away heat, eliminating phlegm, detoxification and antiseptic. Take it orally to treat phlegm-heat, cough, choking and throat accumulation, and throat; for external use, it can treat swelling and pain in the throat, sores on the tongue and other symptoms.
Industrial anhydrous borax is mainly used in the manufacture of high-quality glass, the glaze of ceramics and enamel, as well as some bleaching agents and cleaning agents. There is no medical value, on the contrary it is harmful to the human body.
There are many types of borax family. In addition to anhydrous borax, there are other types such as borax pentahydrate, borax decahydrate, and so on. Carefully distinguish the product name when buying and using it.
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